That machine also had a 512GB PCIe M.2 flash module, a 2.6GHz Intel Core i5 processor, 16GB of 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM, and was also running OS X 10.10.2. That performance compares to the previous model MacBook Pro (mid-2014), which had industry-leading performance of nearly 650MBps write speeds and over 700MBps read speeds. The machine that Computerworld tested had a 512GB PCIe M.2 form-factor flash module ($1,799) and an Intel dual-core i5 2.9GHz processor, 8GB of (1866MHz LPDDR3) RAM, and was running OS X 10.10.2 (Yosemite). MacBook Pro with Retina display revealed it can pin the needle at more than 1,400MBps for writes and more than 1,300MBps for reads.
When Apple launched the new MacBook Pro earlier this month, the company claimed its performance would be double that of the previous model.Īs it turns out, that wasn't an exaggeration.īenchmark tests with Blackmagic software on a new 13-in.